The 3 Things Heavy-Duty Vehicle Owners Get Wrong About Diesel Exhaust Fluid

The 3 Things Heavy-Duty Vehicle Owners Get Wrong About Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Diesel Exhaust FluidMany years ago, heavy-duty vehicles did not have smog equipment. But, as the vehicle standards for truck and bus engines continue to evolve, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) required diesel particulate filters for heavy-duty vehicles. In addition, the agency required regular emission tests, which will include a thorough engine inspection to make sure all parts were still installed.

As the country aims to improve air quality, safeguard the environment, and protect public health, the regulations got tighter as the years pass by. That, however, did not hinder manufactures from figuring out how to reduce or eliminate bad nitrogen oxide levels. This is the reason Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF), an emissions control liquid, is quickly becoming a vital part of the transportation industry. It is required for trucks and buses, especially for modern diesel engines.

With all the buzz about DEF, some people don’t know what’s true or not. Let this article enlighten you about the common misconceptions about diesel exhaust fluid as well as the facts.

DEF is Toxic

Many vehicle owners think that DEF is not good for the environment and carries risks for any type of business. A high-quality diesel exhaust fluid on palletized jugs, however, is non-hazardous, non-explosive, and non-flammable. The urea solution does not become toxic at any temperature, as long as you know how to store it.

Frozen DEF Can Damage the Vehicle

Another misconception that most people believe is that when DEF freezes, it will make the vehicle unusable. According to, a national producer and distributor of DEF, quality diesel exhaust fluid will melt and flow within the EPA standards. It freezes in the tank of a truck when the vehicle is shut down, but it will not cause harm to the product.

DEF Degrades Quickly

Contrary to what people assume, diesel exhaust fluid degradation is not a major problem. This is the reason it is important to know how to handle and store them to prevent contamination or lose its effectiveness. The shelf life of DEF may depend on the temperature of your storage facility. If you keep it in a climate-controlled environment, its shelf life can last up to two years.

Diesel-fueled heavy-duty vehicles today are experiencing a change in the transportation industry. To make the most of the benefits of DEF, every heavy-duty vehicle owner must get the right information.


3 thoughts on “The 3 Things Heavy-Duty Vehicle Owners Get Wrong About Diesel Exhaust Fluid

  1. What is the proper purity and concentration of urea? I’ve read an article that shares carefully blended urea solution of 32.5 percent is critical.

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