Title: 4 Myths About Grief and Loss

Title: 4 Myths About Grief and Loss

GrievingLosing a loved one is always painful, regardless of how old they were or how sudden their departure. Grief does not end with the ceremony; it stays with you long after they lower the casket into the ground or you scatter the ashes. The many cemeteries and crematoriums in Brisbane perform a vital service in our society, but the most they can do is give you closure. Healing is something you do on your own.

Yet despite the inevitability of death, many people still harbor misconceptions about how we typically experience and deal with grief. These misunderstandings can inhibit the healing process, so it is important that you know the truth.

Only those that mourn care about the deceased

People have different ways of coping with loss, and this does not necessarily include outwardly mourning and weeping. Many people simply feel a deep numbness, and do not feel an urge to cry, even during the funeral. This does not mean that they do not care for the deceased, as grief is not always visible.

Grief is predictable and sequential

Most people who have not yet experienced loss think of grief in several predictable stages, but in reality, it is rarely such a smooth process. What you feel is highly individualized, as no two people grieve in the same way. People do not always go through the anger or bargaining stage, and they might even move backwards from time to time.

The sense of loss goes away

It is important to face and acknowledge grief, but you should not expect it to disappear completely either. The grief never really goes away, but people simply learn how to live with it. It can revisit a person at random times and in various intensities; even if you feel fine for a year, seeing something that reminds you of your loved one can suddenly trigger that sense of loss again.

People need to move on to be happy

Finally, there is no need to force yourself to forget. People often think that reminiscing too much is unhealthy, and that they should just let go. In truth, there is no problem with cherishing memories of departed loved ones, even decades after they are gone. You only need to make sure that it does not interfere with the other aspects of your life.


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