Coffee and Heart Health: Does Your Heart Approve of Your Daily Dose of Coffee?

Coffee and Heart Health: Does Your Heart Approve of Your Daily Dose of Coffee?

Perhaps you have been told at least once in your life that drinking coffee could make your heart go bad. But did it ever stop you from loving this aromatic, bittersweet drink? Most probably not. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and it's no wonder why. It has a taste one could never get tired of, a captivating aroma, and a wide range of blends and flavors. No matter the season, coffee will always be a staple.

Many people get their daily caffeine fixes in cozy coffee shops, where their drinks can be accompanied by mouth-watering pastries. Having coffee shops near workplaces has helped many employees take a breather while relaxing in these homey places. 

But can coffee really affect our hearts in a bad way? What about the other parts of our bodies? Are they more harmful than healthy? Let's see what research has said.

Coffee and an Increased Risk of Heart Disease Has No Connection

Great news! Studies have found that coffee actually has a lot of health benefits. On top that, coffee could also help us live longer! That's because the nutrients contained in coffee prevent many harmful diseases like certain types of cancer, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.

A single cup of brewed coffee contains essential nutrients, namely: Vitamin B2 (11%), vitamin B5 (6%), manganese and potassium (3%), and magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3, 2%). Drinking several cups of coffee would add up the amounts of these nutrients, but you should be wary, still. Coffee in large amounts may reduce its overall benefits. Although people's sensitivity to coffee varies, health experts still recommend consuming it moderately. However, if you tend to have 4-6 cups of coffee in a day, you're not yet likely to be in trouble, because 400-600 mg of caffeine is still not found to be associated with its adverse side effects in most people. 

If you have an existing issue with your health, then that's when coffee could become harmful for you. Studies have found that two or more cups of coffee per day in people with genetic mutations that slow the breakdown of caffeine in their systems may have an increased risk of heart disease. 

Avoiding Health Risks Associated with Too Much Coffee

Unfiltered coffee (boiled or espresso) has been associated by experts with mild increases in cholesterol levels. To avoid health risks, drink coffee in moderation, and determine your own sensitivity to it.

For example, if coffee makes you experience trouble sleeping, then don't consume any after 2 PM. Coffee is known to give people an energy boost that helps them stay awake, something that you obviously don't need when you're trying to rest. 

Coffee espresso machine

Try not to load your coffee with sugar as well. Go for natural sweeteners, instead. You can take them with you anywhere, so you can ask the coffee shop barista to not put sugar in your coffee order. A dash of cinnamon can also add flavor to your coffee, and it's healthy, too! If taken moderately, cinnamon lowers blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in diabetics. Another option is cocoa. It is filled with antioxidants associated with a reduced risk for heart disease.

For your creamer, opt for full-fat cream, preferably from grass-fed cows. Studies have shown that milk products contain essential nutrients like calcium, which reduces the risk of bone diseases. Meanwhile, not much research has been made yet about non-dairy creamers, so vegans should do their own research on this. 

When consumed in healthy levels, coffee can be our best source of antioxidants, beating fruits and vegetables combined. It gives us the energy to stay alert at work, decreases our risk for depression and many other diseases, and it makes us feel good.

Now that you know that coffee is good for you, don't abuse this fact and drink too much. Remember that moderation is still highly recommended, so don't put your health at risk by not listening to the experts. 
