Dealing with Appetite Slump: Encouraging Kids to Eat

Dealing with Appetite Slump: Encouraging Kids to Eat

Encouraging Kids to EatAppetite slump in kids can be a big concern, especially when accompanied with weight loss. If your little one does not want to eat at mealtimes, find ways to fuel their appetite. Note that their eating habits at a young age can determine their habits in adult years. Poor eating behaviors, furthermore, are difficult to break, so it is advisable to help them develop healthy food attitudes.

Pediatric doctors, who you can find at Revere Health, share a few ways to encourage your kid to eat:

Make Mealtimes Enjoyable

Mealtimes should be fun and interesting for growing children. You can make it more enjoyable by providing them different food choices or giving them the opportunity to choose what to eat. It is also best to eat as a family and share stories at the table. You can also show them that eating healthy is fun by setting as an example.

Vary Your Kid’s Meal

When preparing meals, include foods from different food groups. These include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, as well as lean poultry, meat, and fish. Avoid making it a habit to serve processed foods like hotdogs or takeout fast food. Always introduce healthy choices and accept that kids may sometimes reject them.

Don’t Force Your Child

It is never advisable to scold or force your little one to eat if they don’t want to. This may discourage them to eat certain foods in the future. The same is also true for coercing them to finish what’s on their plate. Experts note that most kids will eat what they want or need.

Eliminate Distractions

Avoid eating with or feeding your child in front of the television and other distractions like books or toys. It is always better to prepare them when it is time to eat or let them know 10 minutes before mealtime. You can also encourage them to help you in preparing meals like stirring ingredients or washing fruits and vegetables.

It is advisable to consult a pediatrician, especially if your child appears unhealthy or tired most of the time. This is because the loss of appetite may be due to an illness or medical condition.
