Improving Benefits Enrollment: Strategies to Help Simplify the Process

Improving Benefits Enrollment: Strategies to Help Simplify the Process

benefits enrollmentA company’s benefits enrollment period can be stressful for both Human Resource (HR) professionals and employees alike. For HR, it means sifting through tens of thousands of paperwork. Employees, on the other hand, may feel overwhelmed by the vast amounts of options available to them.

One way your company can simplify the enrollment process is to seek help from an experienced team of benefits professionals who can help reduce costs and processing time. Another way is by getting a head start and making the right preparations to ensure that the enrollment period plays out smoothly.

Get an Early Start

The ideal time for you to start planning for benefits enrollment should be at least a year in advance. With more time on your hands, you can easily explore plan options and to find a provider that meets company requirements. Furthermore, interviewing vendors and consulting stakeholders requires careful planning that you shouldn’t simply rush through.

Develop a Solid Communication Plan

Employees may feel intimidated by the options available in benefits enrollment. This calls for the need to come up with a communication plan that can help answer questions and ease anxieties. Whether you plan to create a website or distribute printed material, include a schedule to remind employees of the benefits enrollment period.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

An online system can help you streamline the benefits enrollment process — you can have the data entered by employees sent directly to your insurance provider, in fact. Using an online form can also eliminate problems such as incomplete forms and excess administrative processing time.

Monitor Enrollment Closely

Make sure employees don’t miss out on enrollment deadlines as they are usually non-negotiable. This could hurt an employee, especially if they suddenly get sick and need the insurance to cover their expenses. Keeping the line open for communication and monitoring enrollment, therefore, can help you take action before due deadlines.

Making the benefits enrollment process more efficient and user-friendly relies on a lot of thinking and planning ahead. Furthermore, keeping communication lines open between HR and employees is crucial. In this way, employees can be informed of every step in the process and fully understand the benefits they are entitled to.
