Necessary Businesses: What Kind of Businesses are Profitable After a Hurricane?

Necessary Businesses: What Kind of Businesses are Profitable After a Hurricane?

The United States experiences a wide range of hurricane activities. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) tracks storms and issues forecasts for the North Atlantic, East Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Central Pacific basins. The Atlantic hurricane season peaks in September and October, but storms can form at any time of year. For example, the East Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15 to November 30. The Gulf of Mexico hurricane season peaks in September, with most storms occurring in August and September. The Caribbean Sea hurricane season generally peaks between June and October. And the Central Pacific hurricane season starts on June 1 and ends on November 30.

In the United States, hurricanes most commonly affect coastal states such as Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and North Carolina. However, every state in the country has experienced a hurricane at some point. While it is impossible to predict precisely when or where a hurricane will occur, residents of coastal states should always be prepared for a potential storm.

One business model with a high growth rate in these states is those required for hurricanes. In this article, we will be discussing businesses that are necessary during storms and how to start them. Let’s start with the humble home contractor.

Gardener mowing the lawn.

Home Contractor

The construction industry is worth $10 trillion worldwide, making it one of the largest industries. A large portion of that is in home construction. After a hurricane, there is always an increase in demand for home contractors. This is because many people’s homes are damaged or destroyed, and they need someone to help rebuild.

If you’re thinking about starting a home contracting business, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to get licensed and insured. You’ll also need a reliable team of workers who can help you with the heavy lifting. And finally, you’ll need to be prepared to work long hours, as rebuilding after a hurricane can be daunting.


Another business that does well after a hurricane is landscaping. This is because many trees and shrubs are uprooted during a storm, and people need someone to come in and clean up the mess. Moreover, they can help put people’s gardens back to their former glory now.

Starting a landscaping business will require a truck or trailer to transport your equipment. You’ll also need to be familiar with tree removal, as this will be one of your main services.


A plumber is always in high demand after a hurricane. This is because many people’s water pipes are damaged, and they need someone to come in and fix them. They are also useful before a hurricane hits because they can stop people’s homes from flooding.

The plumbing business will require you to be licensed and insured. Although you can run a plumbing business alone, it’s good to have people help you out. And finally, you’ll need to be prepared to work long hours, as repairing water pipes can be daunting.

Drain Management

The drain management business is a great business to start after a hurricane. This is because many people’s drains are clogged after a storm, and they need someone to come in and clean them out. A storm drain management service can certainly skyrocket profits before, during, and after a hurricane. However, they’re required almost at any time of the year.

Much like any business on this list, a drain management business will require you to have a truck or trailer to transport your equipment. You’ll also need to be familiar with how to unclog drains, as this will be one of your main services. You might need more manpower for this business, as working solo will require you to spend more time on the business.


Lastly, we have the insurance business. Insurance is a business that can earn millions in profits every year, but they usually grow much faster in states vulnerable to hurricanes.

The insurance business is a great business to start before and after a hurricane. This is because many people’s homes and cars are damaged during a hurricane, and they need someone to help them file a claim.

Filing claims can be a daunting task, but with the help of an insurance agent, it can be much easier. And finally, the insurance business can be run from home, which is a great advantage for those who want to start their own business.

So, if you’re looking for a business to start after a hurricane, one of these three businesses would be a good choice. Keep in mind that you’ll need to be prepared to work long hours, and you may have to travel to affected areas. But with hard work and determination, you can make a lot of money in the post-hurricane construction industry.
