Knowing When to First Aid (and Not)

Knowing When to First Aid (and Not)

First AidKnowing a little about first aid can be quite useful, especially when you have children in your home. The knowledge of how to treat some of the common ailments and problems can help you take care of your family and ensure that you go to a hospital at the right time.

The Wells Suite lists three simple things to keep in mind when you are familiarising yourself with first aid practices:

1.    You need to be ready to take immediate action. Almost any common medical condition is treatable when you address the problem as soon as possible.

2.    Any first aid care you provide requires a cool mind, careful deliberation and deliberate activity. Ensure that you and any bystanders are safe before acting.

3.    Assessing the situation carefully is extremely important. Check whether the condition is manageable with just first aid, or whether you need to take the individual to a hospital.

To First Aid or Not

Common medical problems include cuts, scrapes, broken limbs, burns, influenza, and fever. In case of open wounds, you should clean up the blood with a clean piece of cloth, and then evaluate whether the wound needs stitching or professional care. Where bleeding does not stop even after the application of first aid, take the wounded to hospital.

In case of bad falls or burns, you should take the injured person to emergency care as a precautionary measure after rendering first aid. Meanwhile, over-the-counter medication can help with conditions such as fevers and the flu. Again, if it does not abate even after a few days, consider taking the individual for a check-up.

Many private hospitals in Kent have emergency rooms equipped to provide care for a number of conditions. To be on the safe side, it is always better to know which hospital is the closest to your home.


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