Simple Hacks to Maximize Your Heating Units

Simple Hacks to Maximize Your Heating Units

Winter means having your heating system running non-stop. With this season’s cold weather—even if it’s about to transition to spring—homeowners will need to come up with ways to use their heating units without having to pay for so much in utility bills. Any plumbing or heating expert would say that energy efficiency is key to a more comfortable home without having to strain your budget.

The more efficient your HVAC unit, the more tolerable indoors are. They would also have less of an impact on your overall energy consumption. But don’t go around looking at the newest heat pumps for sale. Below are easy ways you can achieve better all-around efficiency with your existing heating systems.

Leave the Thermostat Setting Alone

Homeowners can sometimes fall victim to the idea that they need to fiddle with the thermostat to feel the heat much sooner. This is wrong on many levels, as messing with the thermostat time and time again will only serve to ramp up your energy consumption. As your next service inspection will show you, heating units will cool down your home at the same rate, no matter where you put the thermostat settings.

Maximize Your Radiators

radiator unit

HVAC technicians can, at times, perform radiator bleeding to enhance your heating unit’s efficiency. Draining a heater (or a boiler) means venting air that’s been trapped in the unit, usually from the top. You will know you need to bleed your radiator when you hear a characteristic clicking or sloshing sound from it.

When you’re unsure, though, consulting an HVAC professional is always the best course, where they would look at different aspects of the radiator’s operation. For example, if there is a significant difference in temperature on the top and the bottom part of the heater, they might suggest bleeding. They can also use radiator reflectors to maximize the heat generated by your radiators. Installers will fit them behind your existing radiators to reflect heat into the room to ensure you’re not venting precious heat through the external wall.

An alternative to getting the most out of your heating unit is to attach a fan to your radiator, like Radfans (although you can certainly make a DIY version). They’re small units that sit on top of radiators and blow warm air throughout the room. With small, built-in fans that spin to action when the air around them gets warm, they can boost your radiator’s performance better than merely letting warm air diffuse naturally.

Flush Your Central Heating System

Central heating systems can gather a good amount of sludge after years of operation. Thankfully, you can get rid of all that gunk with a power flush that can restore your system to peak performance. Power flushing allows warm water to circulate through the system’s pipework and dissolve obstructions, allowing the radiator to warm much more quickly and much more evenly. Bid goodbye to cold spots! Power flushing is also a cost-effective way to improve heating with a simple procedure.

There are different ways to achieve better efficiency in heating systems, each with its unique approach to heating. You need to determine which fits your home’s maintenance plan. Consult trusted pros to explore your options.
