You Don’t Have to Fight Tooth and Nail at the Dentist

You Don’t Have to Fight Tooth and Nail at the Dentist

Sedation Dentistry in CaliforniaAmerican psychiatrist Isador Henry Coriat called dental anxiety “tooth neurosis.” The anxiety is rooted in unknown fear and not based on actual pain, according to Coriat. Thirty million to 40 million Americans are struggling with dental fear and anxiety, and for them that is painful enough. If you belong to this population, you don’t have to deal with “tooth neurosis” for long.

A Kick in the Teeth for Dental Anxiety

You don’t have to dread another dental appointment with clinics specializing in sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry involves the use of medication to help you relax during a procedure. Your dentist determines the level of sedation and the type of sedation you need.

Under minimal sedation, you’re awake and may inhale nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) or take a pill. Under moderate sedation, you’re conscious and may not remember the procedure. Under deep sedation, your dentist gives you a sedative through an IV and you’re on the edge of consciousness. Under general anesthesia, you’re completely unconscious.

Dr. Kurt Schneider, member of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation, explains with sedation dentistry, you can get a full mouth reconstruction and not feel any pain during the procedure.

Not Pulling Teeth Anymore

Sedation dentistry is not the only way to overcome anxiety or fear. Dental technology is introducing a new device that works like noise-cancelling headphones, but still allows you to hear the dentist and his team. The innovative device only filters out the unwanted, dreaded noise of the dental drill.

Dental anxiety and phobia can keep you from getting the treatment you need. But with innovative procedures and new technology, you don’t have to avoid an appointment ever again. And you can say goodbye to “tooth neurosis.”
