Which Care Do You Need? – Hospice Care vs. Palliative Care

Which Care Do You Need? – Hospice Care vs. Palliative Care

palliativeReceiving diagnosis that you have a terminal disease is simply overwhelming. For patients, nothing will ever be the same again after hearing the bad news. Different stages of grief can come into play: denial, anger, depression, and acceptance.

When faced with a terminal disease, patients and their families may look for possible assistance in Newcastle. When it comes to medical management, you have two options: palliative or hospice care. Both types of care focus on maintaining the patient’s quality of life through pain reduction, spiritual advice, and counselling to make the situation more bearable for both the patient and the family.

When looking for hospice or palliative care service providers in Newcastle, make sure to know the following differences between the two types of care to get the best help you and your loved ones deserve:


Hospice and palliative care share the philosophy of maintaining the patient’s quality of life while suffering from a disease, however, both differ from each other. Palliative care focuses on relieving  symptoms related to conditions such as cancer, respiratory disease, and kidney failure. Hospice care, on the other hand, takes a holistic approach and focuses on the emotional and spiritual needs of the patient and the family.


Palliative care is the process of keeping the patient as comfortable as possible during an illness. With palliative care, treatments are unlimited and can range from conservative to aggressive. Hospice care treatments, on the contrary, only focus on making the symptoms more bearable. The goal of hospice care is not actually to treat the disease, but to promote comfort.


Patients look for hospice care if they have a life expectancy of six months or less. Patients with chronic diseases can seek assistance from palliative care professionals in Newcastle at any time, regardless of their diagnosis.

Though both hospice and palliative care promote comfort to the condition of the patient and the family, it’s important to note, however, the differences between the two types of treatment. You should consult your physician to know the best service.
