The Negative Effects of Insomnia in the Workplace

The Negative Effects of Insomnia in the Workplace

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you know that a productive workplace is a key to a successful company. But did you know that insomnia can significantly impact employee productivity? Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders, affecting 30% of adults in the United States. And of those adults, 10% say that their sleep disorder interferes with their work. So if your employees suffer from insomnia, it’s essential to be aware of the potential effects on their productivity in the office.

How Does Insomnia Affects Productivity?

There are several ways in which insomnia can negatively affect productivity in the workplace. First and foremost, insomnia can lead to absenteeism.


Employees suffering from insomnia are more likely to call in sick or take time off work. Studies have shown that employees with insomnia are 2.5 times more likely to call in sick than employees who don’t have difficulty sleeping. Absenteeism not only reduces productivity in the workplace, but it also costs businesses money. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, absenteeism costs $3,600 per year for hourly workers and $2,650 per year for salaried workers.


In addition to absenteeism, insomnia can also lead to presenteeism—when employees come to work but are not productive because they’re tired. Studies have shown that employees with insomnia are five times more likely to suffer from presenteeism than employees who don’t have difficulty sleeping. Not only does presenteeism reduce productivity in the workplace, but it also costs businesses money. The cost of presenteeism is estimated to be $1,967 per year for hourly workers and $1,685 per year for salaried workers.


Finally, insomnia can lead to errors and accidents in the workplace. Studies have shown that employees who suffer from insomnia are three times more likely to make work errors than those who don’t have difficulty sleeping. And according to the National Safety Council, fatigue is a leading factor in 100,000 car accidents yearly.

Errors at work than employees who don’t have difficulty sleeping. And according to the National Safety Council, fatigue is a leading factor in 100,000 car accidents yearly. So if your employees shave insomnia, they’re putting themselves at risk, their co-workers, and your business.

As a business owner or entrepreneur, it’s essential to be aware of how sleep disorders affect employee workplace productivity. If your employees shave insomnia, you must take steps to control that. Here are five of the most effective ways to deal with insomnia.

A female employee who can't sleep

Dental Benefits

One of the leading reasons why Americans have acute insomnia is because of oral pain. This kind of pain usually happens because of various reasons. However, the leading cause is gum infection. One way to deal with oral infection is to replace missing teeth, as the gums might become a home to bacteria. Teeth replacement services can help deal with this. They can offer dental implants that replace natural teeth, dentures, and bridges. You can pay for the treatment or pay for half of it.

In addition to this, offering dental insurance can make it easier for employees to visit a dentist regularly. Dental checkups can prevent gum infections from happening in the first place.

Stress Management Programs

One of the leading causes of insomnia is stress. And in today’s fast-paced society, stress is a common issue. This can be caused by many factors, including work-related and personal problems. One way to deal with stress is through stress management programs. These can include mindfulness training, yoga classes, or even therapy sessions for employees who need it.

These programs can help employees better cope with stress and prevent it from causing insomnia and affecting productivity in the workplace.

Flexible Schedules

Another factor contributing to insomnia is rigid work schedules and long working hours. Allowing for flexible schedules can help employees balance their work and personal life, reducing the likelihood of insomnia. Flexible schedules could include offering remote work options or allowing employees to choose their working hours as long as they meet deadlines.

Regular Breaks

Regular breaks during the workday can also help employees avoid burnout and reduce their risk for insomnia. In addition, encouraging employees to take mini-breaks or lunch breaks away from their desks can help them relax and recharge, increasing their productivity in the long run.

Comfortable Workspaces

Lastly, having a comfortable workspace can also prevent insomnia. This includes ensuring proper lighting, temperature, and ergonomic furniture in the office. Offering comfortable seating options like standing desks or neck pillows can also go a long way in preventing muscle tension that could lead to insomnia.

By addressing these factors and taking steps to control them, businesses can reduce employee absenteeism, presenteeism, and accidents caused by insomnia. In turn, this can boost overall workplace productivity and success. Therefore, it’s essential to prioritize the well-being of your employees and address any sleep disorders they may have. They will thank you for it, and so will your business.
