Understanding the Advantages of Epoxy Flooring

Understanding the Advantages of Epoxy Flooring

Floors contribute a lot to the aesthetic appearance of any building. And if your concrete floor looks like it needs refurbishing, epoxy floor coating is the go-to choice for a smooth, durable and decorative finish.


Epoxy floor coating needs a slightly porous, unpolished surface to bond properly. Before applying the coating, it is important that any crack and chip on the concrete is patched and repaired. A lot of professionals familiar with concrete repair in Salt Lake City and other places can help you get the job done.

Here are some reasons epoxy floor coatings offer more advantages over other traditional coatings:

Aesthetic Appearance

Epoxy floor coating is a combination of polymer resins and hardener. When properly mixed, the resin and hardener form a chemical reaction that results in a stiff plastic material that is customizable, reliable, and resistant to degradation. Epoxy comes in a variety of colors and design options to match your structure’s solid surfaces. It also creates a seamless, shiny, and bright surface; therefore, producing a professional and elegant look.


The materials that make up epoxy coatings can transform your traditional cement floors into non-porous and moisture-impervious surfaces. This makes epoxy coated floors durable and resistant to heat and water. Epoxy coatings are also resistant to most types of chemical spillage and oil stains, making them the ideal coating for flooring systems where spillage and messes are most likely to happen – for example, food and beverage manufacturing plants, industrial plants, and warehouses. These floors are meant to be clean up easily without leaving permanent stains and maintain that high gloss appearance regardless of spills.

Abrasions from heavy machinery and transport vehicles, or even from continuous foot traffic, can cause damage to traditional flooring over time. The impact of heavy tools can also leave a chip or crack on concrete floors. However, the durability of epoxy coatings gives it the ability to withstand most things that can wear and damage the flooring system. It is tough, abrasion-resistant, and acts as a shield for floors.

Man fixing the tiles on the floor

Increased Safety

Epoxy floor coatings can also improve safety by creating a slip-resistant flooring solution. The shiny, glossy floor coatings improve visibility since it can improve brightness in a work area by 300%.

Industrial and manufacturing plants can do whole-floor cleaning without having to worry about the risk of long-term damage. Since epoxy coatings block out moisture and contaminants, a whole building can become cleaner and safer.


Since epoxy coated floors are durable and resilient to most types of stains, chemicals and other harsh conditions, this makes them last for years with little to no need for maintenance. In the long run, epoxy floors will help you cut down on upkeep expenses.

Quick and Easy Application

Another benefit is easy and quick installation over other flooring types that require no layout and special tools and equipment. Epoxy floor coatings are self-leveling products, which means they require lesser time and labor to apply.

Epoxy is a material used to seal concrete floors but it can also be used on ceilings and walls. It is a long-term investment that can greatly extend the life of your concrete, improve its aesthetic values and enhancing its performance.
