Cleanliness of Public Spaces: When People Check Them

Cleanliness of Public Spaces: When People Check Them

Quality human life and cleanliness go hand in hand. Whether it is environmental cleanliness, such as taking care of garbage or personal hygiene, proper cleaning is a crucial aspect of disease prevention and control. The healthcare sector takes cleaning seriously, but other industries, such as education and transport, tend to consider hygiene as another expense. Cleaning chemicals suppliers are more likely to make impressive sales in healthcare than in any other sector.

It is upon cleaning providers and professionals to explain to various business leaders that the benefits of maintaining a cleaning environment can be manifold. Indeed, people judge the cleanliness level of a public building in several ways.

First impression

Independent Network, a popular uPVC systems installer, did research that revealed that guests take only 38 seconds to judge the cleanliness of a house. Despite the adage: “Never judge a book by its cover,” it is clear that people are wired to make instantaneous judgments. They affect how visitors in a public facility feel about everything else that ensues. That is why the cleanliness of the building is so critical.

Funny Odours

This factor is the first thing that most people notice. Strange smells will initiate a bad impression of your business, and it might be difficult to reverse the damage. Sanitation and odors affect each other. For instance, a pine scent leaves a positive image.

Similarly, the choice of cleaning chemicals matters. Some chemicals are too smelly and can be overbearing for some people. Consult reputable cleaning chemical suppliers, and they will advise about the right mix for your building needs.

Clutter All Over the Place

In the eyes of a visitor, a mess in a public building suggests a dirty environment. The line between dirt and untidiness is too thin. Keeping a building tidy may not be easy at first, but a little effort every day will eventually bear fruit. First, you want to train employees about de-cluttering personal spaces. Any time there are routine cleanings, everyone should remove paper and folders from their desks. Anything that promotes trip hazards should be controlled. That includes computer and phone chargers.

Focus Areas

building's bathroom

Customers visiting your business premises will always focus on certain parts of the building or office. Bathrooms and kitchens are at the top of the list. Upon entering a facility, many people rush to the toilet and thereby create a first impression. If there is a bacterial build-up, there is no hiding it. Oher clues dirty buildings have that most visitors will pick include old trash in the bin, stained lamp fixtures, conspicuous dirt on surfaces, and dirt build-up on furniture and walls.

The first impression is everything for any business. Once a client creates a negative image and perceives it as reality, it could lead to losses in business. A cleaning service provider must not only clean the facility thoroughly but also promote awareness on how to maintain certain cleanliness levels. Building tidiness and proper dust or odour control measures are reliable strategies. Remember these points when analysing your cleaning approaches and prioritising building maintenance. You will not only safeguard occupants’ health but also impress your clients.
