Divorce Issues: Responding to Questions Kids Ask About Divorce

Divorce Issues: Responding to Questions Kids Ask About Divorce

DivorceA divorce is a big event in a child’s life. As you and your partner proceed with the divorce and begin to live separate lives, your kids may have questions they want to be answered right away. Here are some suggestions on how to respond.

Keep Your Communication Lines Honest and Open

Once your children hear the news, be ready for questions. You are, after all, the closest authority figure they have, and they will naturally turn to you for guidance. Lend them your ear by giving them the opportunity to ask as many questions as they want.

Some questions do not have readily available answers. It is okay to tell your child that you do not have the answer to your child’s questions. For instance, if you are still negotiating custody arrangements with the help of a law office like Rainey Collins Lawyers, say that you are working things out. Reassure your children that they will be the first to know about what happens next once everything is all set.

Be Patient

You and your partner are going through a highly stressful time. While it is understandable to feel intense emotions when you repeatedly hear the words ‘why’ from your child, remember to keep your emotions in check and practice patience. Divorce can be confusing to a kid, and it may take some time before they can grasp the situation. Thus, it is best to be more understanding and keep your cool whenever your child persistently asks the same questions.

Answer Positively and be Straight to the Point

There is no need to share your partner’s shortcomings to a young child. Keep your answers concise and factual without going over the ugly details. Turn negative statements into positive ones so that you do not badmouth your partner in front of your child.

Openness, honesty, patience, conciseness and positivity are qualities you should remember when responding to your child’s questions about divorce. Furthermore, always end your answers with love and reassurance. Saying how much you love your child can make the circumstances of your divorce a lot more manageable — for you and your children.
