How to Clean Your Ears Safely

How to Clean Your Ears Safely

We need to have a healthy hearing to help us appreciate the world around us — simply by hearing the sound of the birds, flowing water, and blowing wind. These are the reasons we need to take care of our hearing so we can enjoy life and our surrounding as it is.

However, there are some common practices that can do more harm to your ears than good. You can consult Colorado’s trusted ENT specialists to know more about proper ear cleaning.

Symptoms of ear problems

First of all, having ear wax is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, medical experts say that ear wax contains anti-bacterial properties that can protect our ears against infections. In addition, ear wax is a natural part of our body’s defense system. Aside from that, ear wax also helps protect and lubricate the ear canal from bacteria growth and lessening the occurrence of dirt coming into our ears.

We tend to remove ear wax by using cotton buds and clean at least once a week. However, you should be careful when cleaning your ears. For one, you may be pushing the wax further into your ear instead of removing it.

While having ear wax is usually no reason to be alarmed, there are some ear problems that you may experience due to ear wax. If you experience one or more of the following symptoms, it may be a good idea to consult a doctor immediately. Among these symptoms include:

  • Earache
  • Tinnitus (ringing sound in the ear even if you cover it)
  • Hearing problems on one or both ears
  • Cough or dizziness

How to clean the ears properly

doctor checking the ear

Excessive ear wax can damage your delicate ear canal and eardrum, that is why it should be removed. However, removing it may not be as simple as using cotton buds. Rather, it may be advisable to have your ears checked to remove ear wax. This is especially required for kids — you should not let them clean their ears on their own.

Doctors normally use special cleaning tools to get rid of ear wax. This includes devices such as forceps, suctioning equipment, or a spoon-like device. All of these tools should only be used by a doctor or healthcare professional. During an ear checkup, the doctor can also determine any possible underlying medical condition that will need immediate attention.

Meanwhile, here are some tips you can do to clean your ears at home.

Wet a paper towel or clean cloth using lukewarm water. Squeeze excess water and then wipe the outer part of each ear. Avoid inserting other objects inside the ear, such as hairpins or toothpick.

You can use mineral oil to loosen up the earwax before wiping it clean. Apply a few drops of mineral oil on one ear. Leave it for a day or two, and then use a bulb syringe and gently squirt warm water inside your ear. Tip your head and let the liquid flow inside your ear. After a few minutes, tilt your head on the opposite side and let the water drain out of your ear. Repeat a few times to ensure that excess earwax is completely removed.

These are ways to remove ear wax safely and making sure it won’t cause infections that can cost you your hearing.
