Lifestyle Factors and Dental Implants

Lifestyle Factors and Dental Implants

Dentist holding dental implantsIn the short term, dental implants in Edinburgh can have a challenging impact on someone’s lifestyle. This mostly occurs during the healing period. However, the long-term benefits are the trade-off for this such as fixed and functional teeth and a bright, complete smile.

The first step towards getting dental implants in Edinburgh is the consultation appointment. During this interaction, a dentist like Edinburgh Dental Specialists will ask the patient in-depth questions about their health and dental history as well as gathering physical data through examination and scans. They will also talk to the patient about lifestyle factors that can affect the efficacy and function of dental implants.

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

It’s no secret that smoking and drinking can have a detrimental effect on someone’s health. While this is always something to bear in mind when it comes to healthcare, they can have a strong impact on the likely success of dental implants in Edinburgh. Both smoking and drinking can impede the healing process that is vital to securing the implants. They certainly prolong the process and, in the end, can lead to dental implant failure. The dentist will always advise that someone gives up smoking and at least moderates their alcohol consumption during treatment and healing.

Fitness and Physical Work

Some rest is required directly after getting dental implants in Edinburgh. The dentist will advise on how quickly someone should consider returning to a full work schedule or fitness regimen. They may advise complete rest and time off work to someone who has a particularly physical job. In the long term, dental implants will not affect someone’s ability to work hard, whether that’s at the gym or at work.

Nutritious Diet

A good diet contributes to overall physical well-being. It’s particularly important during the healing process after dental implants. Someone needs to have good nutritional knowledge coupled with advice from their dentist to ensure that they are eating the right foods during this time. This is because their diet will be temporarily limited by having to take care of their dental implants. They need the right knowledge to ensure they get all they need in terms of nutrients on board within these limitations.
