Looking for a solution to misaligned teeth? Invisalign W1 could be it

Looking for a solution to misaligned teeth? Invisalign W1 could be it

If you have misaligned teeth, you could be wondering how to get a great smile without everybody knowing about the process involved. You may also be keen to have a treatment that does not involve having braces that are fixed to your teeth all of the time and is more comfortable and less invasive. Invisalign W1 is a treatment that many patients opt for because it offers discretion, comfort and convenience. Invisalign is a leading brand in removable aligners and has been used with over 12 million smiles worldwide.

How does Invisalign work?

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Invisalign consists of plastic aligners, which can be made bespoke to fit your mouth. Using a digital scan and iTero technology, the precise measurements are collated to have the aligners made to suit your specific requirements. The aligners are transparent as they are made of plastic, so nobody should be able to see them when you are wearing them, and this can give you the confidence to get your smile aligned without feeling self-conscious about it. When the aligners are worn, they apply pressure to the teeth to gently move them into the targeted position. This can take between 6 to 18 months on average for mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbites, underbites, overbites, crowded teeth or gapped teeth. Each week, you must switch to a new aligner, and after every 6-week period, you will need to go to your dentist for a checkup and to receive a new set of aligners.

What are the advantages of choosing Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners offer discretion, which can be great if you are going to school or the boardroom and you do not want to be worrying about people seeing you wearing an appliance. You are also able to remove the aligners for up to 2 hours a day, allowing you to continue eating a normal diet and brush and floss as normal afterwards. Invisalign prides itself on being non invasive and your lifestyle should not change, also with Invisalign, dental hygiene will not be an issue as long as you brush and floss regularly, although there are ways to also clean with fixed braces should you need to have those.

How to get Invisalign

The first thing you will need to do is find a dentist who offers Invisalign as a treatment. You will then need to book in for an initial consultation. During this session, the dentist will examine your mouth thoroughly and may take x-rays of your mouth to determine what your alignment issues are. Once they have a clear picture of what your requirements are, they will be able to recommend the appropriate treatments that are available to you and discuss the options with you. It is important to ask as many questions as you need to in order to ensure that you have a good understanding of what is best for your specific needs. If Invisalign is deemed the right treatment, then get ready to have a fantastic solution that will make you smile!
