The Connection between Your Teeth and Headaches

The Connection between Your Teeth and Headaches

Teeth and HeadachesSince the teeth and the brain are both found inside the skull, it is common for a headache to surface as a symptom of a dental problem. The teeth and the brain are connected. If you are experiencing pain in your head, it could be a sign of a deeper dental problem.

According to Adams Dental, headaches or migraines are often a symptom of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. One of the causes of TMJ is a misalignment of the teeth, which causes stress on the jaw. This leads to headaches.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

TMJ is one of the most common dental related causes of migraines. When the teeth are misaligned, it creates a constant amount of dental stress in the region. Due to the position of the teeth, the jaw does not close properly. Overbites, underbites and other jaw problems put a tremendous amount of stress on the jaw muscles and tendons, which creates headaches.

TMJ affects the trigeminal nerve. This is the main nerve that connects the jaw to the rest of the skull. If stress is placed on the jaw, a sharp pain radiates through the head region. Dentists may provide a comprehensive treatment for TMJ, correcting your bite and any misalignments to lessen the strain on the trigeminal nerve.

Other Dental Related Problems Leading to Headaches

There are other dental related problems that also lead to chronic headaches. Infections and dental abscesses, caused by infected dental pulp, also put pressure on the nerve. Infections are dangerous and may lead to problems more serious than a headache.

If you are experiencing headaches, visit your dentist to rule out any possibility of TMJ or tooth infections. While dental problems are not the only cause of migraines, they are likely connected in some way.
