Do Not Put Yourself in Danger: Stop Driving on Bald Tyres

Do Not Put Yourself in Danger: Stop Driving on Bald Tyres

Man asking the mechanic to change the wheelAll motor vehicle tyres have a manufacturer-recommended length of use. However, this only serves as a guideline, as there are many factors that can either make them last longer or shorter. For instance, using your car for just several days a week, driving on smooth roads, and regular maintenance can all help extend their life. On the other hand, abuse, constant exposure to rough terrains, and neglect will ultimately lead to its demise way before they reach their intended life span.

This said, it is important you know how to spot tyres already requiring replacement. Tyre Tracks and other experts noted that knowing when your ride should go for tyre changing can make a huge difference between safe driving and getting into an accident.

Balding due to age

The life span of tyres depend on materials used, their construction method, and the manufacturer. Investing in high quality products from reputable makers and brands will give you longer-lasting and better-performing tyres. As a general rule of thumb, though, you should change tyres that have visible balding, which usually become noticeable after five years.

Worn treads

The more miles you put on your car and the rougher the terrains you drive on, the earlier their treads will wear. Driving on worn treads puts you at greater risk of accidents, since these already have poor stability and traction control. They can be especially dangerous when driving on wet roads, as worn treads can lead to you losing control of the wheel.

Noticeable defects and damages

As you can see, driving on bald tyres is dangerous, not just for you, but for your passengers and the other people you share the roads with. Make sure that you replace them as needed, especially when you already see visible defects, such as punctures, chunking, or chipping. In this case, you should change them right away even when they have not reached their intended length of use.

Don’t be a cheapskate and replace those tyres. The money you think you could be saving may not even be enough to compensate you when you get involved in an accident.
