Summer Fun: How to Keep Yourself Cool

Summer Fun: How to Keep Yourself Cool

It is now summer, and you, your friends, and family most probably already have plans for the season.

Summer is one of the most popular seasons mainly because students get their breaks during this time and the weather is perfect for outdoor activities. However, if you just go outside without any precaution or preparation, your fun-filled itinerary might be cut short.

Dehydration and heat stroke are serious medical problems that many people suffer and endure through during summer. It may be a cause of the weather and the environment or even self-negligence. You need to keep cool this summer. Here are some simple tips.

Stay hydrated

Getting the right amount of fluids in your body can help prevent dehydration and keep you cool during the hot weather. Severe dehydration can cause both short and long-term problems if left untreated.

To prevent this, you should always drink water before, during, and after an activity. You may also take oral re-hydration medicines if needed.

However, take note that some drinks may end up dehydrating you even more. Drinks such as soda, coffee, and tea are not suited for re-hydration. If you are not entirely sure whether a certain drink will help hydrate your body, just get that cup of water.

Take a dip

If you want to cool down, then why not just take a bath? Or why not take it up a notch and go for a dip in the pool? A swim in the pool can really help you cool down during the warm weather.

If you have the funding to do so, why not also build your own pool at home? In a warm and temperate area like Utah, fiberglass pools are the newest rage and can be beneficial for you, your friends, and family whenever they want to cool down.

Wear appropriate clothing

To help cool your body, you have to wear the appropriate clothing. This goes for whenever you go outside or stay indoors.

While you are outside, you are more exposed to the sun’s heat and light. Depending on the activity, you may need to wear certain types of clothing for your own comfort. For example, if you are only going to visit the mall or park, lightweight clothing with breathable fabric should be your best choice.

Avoid hot and humid areas

avoid humid areas

While the season is known for having friends and relatives over so that you can all visit the beach or go hiking, if you can avoid some areas that are known to be extremely hot during these months, then do so.

Some areas are hotter than others. If you must insist on visiting such places, do not forget to bring plenty of water for the trip, pack the right type of clothing, wear sunscreen during the activities, and take other precautions while you are there.

Pay attention to the weather and to your body. If you cannot handle the heat, make the necessary adjustments to prevent yourself and anybody else that you care for from getting dehydrated or worse, having a heat stroke.
